A Full Review
From 2015 to 2020, Derek Hill coordinated his studio practice alongside his interactive lab work with researchers at Newcastle University’s Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology (CBCB) where Hidden Kingdoms – Shifting Worlds is currently on display until the end of November 2022.
“The art practice which the artist Derek Hill has set up with scientists of the University of Newcastle is remarkable for how it represents an unfaltering stream of exceptional work that Derek has produced since his time at the Royal College in the 1980s and the persistence that he has shown in linking his art production to collaborative projects with professional artists and non-professionals. When he left the Royal College and was travelling in Africa, Derek’s life was put in jeopardy by a bacterial infection. The experience has been a mainspring of his work over several decades, and it found a ready response from the university scientists. The resulting link of computer imaging with the organic nature of Derek’s art practice presents a remarkable opportunity for the creation of new and exciting artwork, and the engagement of university personnel, schools, and communities.”
John Millard, 2019 (former museum manager in Newcastle and Liverpool)
About Derek Hill: http://www.derekhill.co.uk/about-derek-hill/
Shortcuts: A full preview of current paintings 2021 from Hill’s studio: http://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/
Preview the Flaw paintings archive – http://www.derekhill.co.uk/blog/flaw-a-series-preview/
Visit ‘Flaw’ paintings – Full series 1-6: http://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/cat/flaw/
Reviews: http://www.derekhill.co.uk/about-derek-hill/press-and-reviews/
Derek Hill Home page: http://www.derekhill.co.uk/
Of the project Hill has said:
In an ever-evolving dynamic of defence and offence, there is a life vulnerability that can’t be prevented no matter how sophisticated defences are. I use processes to explore a world in conflict, a form of warfare that’s concealed from view, with real-world effects. There is no winning or losing, only the constant rhythm of rebuilding and knocking down walls in a quest for new beginnings.
Read the thecrackmagazine.com editorial here – Shifting Worlds – When science & art meet
Introducing Shifting Worlds to the University faculties and science researchers at the CBCB – October 2019
Pre-arranged tours will be provided for members of the public who will be able to access Shifting Worlds through a simple online booking system. Large-scale paintings will be presented in the main reception area and on all 4 floors of the CBCB building in contrast to their world-renowned high tec research facility.
The paintings and AV films demonstrate years of interaction between Hill’s studio and the microbiology labs at Newcastle University’s Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology (CBCB). The films are in the process of being produced for AV screening and 4K projections with sound.
Shifting Worlds – film sketches – works in progress: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEaXqBBNmccqIWlSfvFIDI9xUzy1doF3C
Film Shorts – Inside the painting studio: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQteKPuE8QuOHNERlXBbHc7deFr0kzv9k
Film Shorts – Inside the drawing studio – ‘traces’ – selections from books of drawings 2021: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQteKPuE8QuORYI52O525yG3WaZs80tAI
Full review of current work: http://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/item/current-paintings-2021-2/
Flash Art International review – visit: http://www.derekhill.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/FLASH.docx.pdf
Exhibitions/reviews – visit: http://www.derekhill.co.uk/reviews-exhibitions/
Early days at the CBCB: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/cbcb/about/engagement/