“The art practice that the artist Derek Hill set up with scientists at the University of Newcastle is remarkable for how it represents an unfaltering stream of exceptional work that Derek has produced since his time at the Royal College, 1979–1982 and the persistence with which he has shown his ability to link his art production to collaborative projects with professional artists and non-professionals. In 1990, when he was travelling in Africa, Derek’s life was put in jeopardy by a bacterial infection. The trauma of that experience has been the mainspring of his work over several decades, and it found a ready response in the university scientists. The link between computer imaging and the organic nature of Derek’s art practice presents a remarkable opportunity for creating new and exciting artwork and the engagement of university personnel, schools, and communities.”.
John Millard (former Newcastle and Liverpool Museums manager, October 2019).
Hidden Kingdoms: Shifting Worlds: Exhibition 2022. Foreword by Dr Davy Smith: https://www.derekhill.co.uk/open-now-hidden-kingdoms-shifting-worlds-exhibition-baddiley-clark-building-newcastle/
Notes on Current Development: https://www.derekhill.co.uk/current-paintings-2024/ Review-Hill at the CBCB: https://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/cat/artist-at-the-cbcb/ Flaw exhibitions, visit: https://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/cat/flaw/ About the CBCB, Newcastle University: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/cbcb/ Obituary | John Millard, 1950-2020, Museums Association: https://www.museumsassociation.org/museums-journal/people/2020/11/obituary-john-millard-1950-2020/