Derek Hill is an RCA-trained practitioner based in the North East of England with an established reputation for public engagement. Hill founded The Art Studio in Sunderland in 1986 and was its artistic lead for 26 years until he moved to his present studio in 2012.

On the exhibition, Flaw, John Millard former manager of Newcastle and Liverpool Museums writes: “Derek Hill works like an alchemist. His studio is a magical place where he conducts his experiments.”  July 2010.

Full article: https://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/cat/hidden-kingdoms-shifting-worlds/

 Derek Hill, FLAW: The Myles Meehan Gallery, Darlington Arts Centre : Davy Smith reviews ‘FLAW’ Myles Meehan Gallery, Darlington Arts Centre for Flash Art International: http://www.derekhill.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/FLASH.docx.pdf

On the exhibition, Flaw: the New Work, Dr. Outi Remes, former Director, the Bracknell Galleries, South Hill Park Art Centre, writes: ” I was delighted with the SHP show, and it reflected well on the amazing studio visit. All felt like a total work of art: one installation. With best wishes, Outi.” August 2023. 

Notes on Current Development 2024:


Exhibition reviews: 

a-n: https://www.a-n.co.uk/tag/south-hill-park-arts-centre/page/2/

SHP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.466661434861.252735.56652329861&type=3

Reviews section:



Reviews & Exhibitions

Work 2017-2020

Fellowship and Residencies: 1983-1985

‘book’ 1996

The Art Studio

The Art Studio: Extended

Creating A New World: the exhibition

Giant Fish & Jumbos


Public Collections

Processing paintings