A Shift in Time: Autumn & Winter 2024

A Shift in Time: Autumn & Winter 2024

**Autumn & Winter: A Shift in Time**


Video shorts from inside the studio. The “Inside the Studio” playlist includes revisits to paintings from the 2023/24 collections. New paintings are also in process. The works are shown in non-chronological order. The paintings are mixed media on canvas and measure 2 x 2.5 metres. 

Current Paintings: https://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/cat/current-paintings/

A Shift in Time (the paintings): https://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/item/a-shift-in-time/


**Autumn: A Shift in Time**

Hidden Kingdoms Shifting Worlds: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQteKPuE8QuOHNERlXBbHc7deFr0kzv9k&si=s1DTV4F2F5_07vnr

Shifting Worlds Laboratory Film sketches: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQteKPuE8QuMw3F65_zb1p3AtYoQo0xNq

**Film Sketches for Shifting Worlds; Derek Hill and Richard Daniel**

The film playlist features nine short film sketches copied and edited for streaming. The actual films are presented in 4K format for potential future installations. These films were produced in 2019 and 2020, following five years of extensive research into bacterial behaviour. The study took place from 2016 to 2020 and involved collaboration with Dr. Richard Daniel, a bacteriologist and senior lecturer at the Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology (CBCB) at Newcastle University.

Additionally, the playlist includes two interactive slideshows created between 2017 and 2019. These slideshows showcase images of research conducted in laboratories, the studio environment, various installations, and everyday surroundings that continue to inspire art based on the theme “Hidden Kingdoms: Shifting Worlds.”

Full Playlist Set: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCEncWmw9aBoL4KFf-96boeA/content/playlists


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