Fellowship and Residencies: 1983-1985

Fellowship and Residencies: 1983–1985

Between 1983 and 1985:

Fellow, Artescape Fellowship, Sturton-by-Stow, Lincoln.

Artist-in-Residence, Walton School, Peterborough

Artist-in-Residence, Bishop-Grosse-Teste University, City of Lincoln.


Fellowship: Artescape

Dr Patrick Gogan, a psychiatrist at Lincoln Prison, established Artescape on a five-acre farm at Sturton-by-Stow, outside Lincoln. Artescape was a retreat where I spent eighteen months in relative seclusion, developing ideas for the Victory & Defeat project. There were outhouses with lots of space where I exhibited my work. Funding and supplies were limited to printmaking, drawing, and sculpture in the resourceful surroundings. Screenprinting and printing presses were available for use at Lincoln College of Art. I hosted quarterly Open Day events for the public, Lincoln Art College and Bishop-Gross-Teste University students and the annual Lincoln Arts Festival.

Residencies: The Walton School and Bishop G-T University residencies happened as a result of the success of the Artescape Fellowship. I was invited to stage a display of my Fellowship and Residency work at Lincoln College of Art, Bishop G-T University, and Walton School in Peterborough in 1985. I watched as my artwork was used as the theme for a set piece for a public dance production by staff and students from Walton School in Peterborough.


Further information:  https://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/item/additional-experience/?cat=84

Victory & Defeathttps://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/cat/victory-defeat/

Reviews and Exhibitions: https://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/item/reviews-exhibitions/?cat=84

Current paintings: https://www.derekhill.co.uk/work/cat/current-paintings/

Current work on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQteKPuE8QuOHNERlXBbHc7deFr0kzv9k&si=_4k8LFgFdSpoHGlr